September 19, 2024

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Hunger Protests: Police Doing A Good Job But Military May Still Get Involved- Chief Of Defence Staff

Hunger Protests: Police Doing A Good Job But Military May Still Get Involved- Chief Of Defence Staff

The Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa,  has made an appraisal of the nationwide hunger protests that began on Thursday  and he has submitted that the police have done a good job while warning however that the military may still get involved if the destruction of properties and violence continues.

Musa , who said this during the press conference he presided over in Abuja on Friday, noted that  the intervention by the military will help to stop the looting and destruction of properties.

‘We are supporting the police all through. We are just on standby. The police are doing a good job; they are handling the situation for now.

Unless it breaches beyond what they can handle, then the military will step in. The military is on standby and we are watching day and night’ he said.

Musa however emphasized the need for the people to shun vandalization of property and looting.

‘So, we want to call on all Nigerians to understand the government. If you have grievances, which I know people have, a lot of challenges here and there, and it is not only in Nigeria alone; everywhere in the world is facing one economic or security crisis or the other. And so, it is important to understand that we are not alone.

But what we can do is not allow criminals and individuals that have lost out to take advantage of this to destroy our country. We should realize that these destructions, monies have to be used to replace them so that we can move forward.

We know we are challenged as a nation but we know we will overcome working together as Nigerians… Let us avoid anything that will bring mayhem to our country’ he said.

The  defence chief   also called  the destruction  of properties recorded  on Thursday ‘crazy’ adding that the military and other security agencies will not  look the other way  and ‘allow this country to be destroyed’.

‘Yesterday (Thursday), we saw the level of destruction that has been carried out. Just yesterday. So ,you can imagine if this continues for so long.

Yesterday, we saw some people break down houses, steal windows and doors. It was just crazy yesterday and we don’t want that to happen again.

The Armed Forces and the entire security agencies will not stand by and see that to continue. We want to warn those that are recalcitrant; those that don’t want to listen that we will not fold our arms and allow this country to be destroyed’ he added.

Musa has however promised that the military will be professional in the event that it eventually intervenes.

‘We will take action and the action we will take, we will take it professionally. Anyone that is caught will be taken to court and will be dealt with

There are a bunch of people who believe that it is only through this medium that they will be able to loot, steal and destroy. And that is what they tried to do yesterday but we have arrested most of them that broke into places to steal and they will be prosecuted accordingly.

We are also going behind to ensure that we also identify those that are involved; there are individuals who are sponsoring them, pushing them to do this, we are going after them’ he  Do you have any information you wish to share with us? Do you want us to cover your event or programme? Kindly send SMS to 08059100286, 09094171980 or get in touch via  Thank you 

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