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Policeman Acting Under The Influence Releases 13 Suspects To Celebrate New Year In Zambia

Policeman Acting Under The Influence Releases 13 Suspects To Celebrate New Year In Zambia

 Inspector Titus Phiri , who acted under the influence, released 13 suspects at a police station in Zambia and told them to go home to celebrate New Year on New Year’s eve.

He had since been arrested and taken into custody while a manhunt has been launched for the suspects.

Inspector Titus Phiri allegedly took cell keys from Constable Serah Banda at Leonard Cheelo police station in Lusaka on New Year’s Eve, and freed the assault, burglary and  robbery suspects.

‘In a state of intoxication, (Phiri) forcibly seized cell keys… unlocked both the male and female cells, and instructed the suspects to leave, stating they were free to cross over into the new year’ Spokesperson for Police, Rae Hamoonga,  Do you have any information you wish to share with us? Do you want us to cover your event or programme? Kindly send SMS to 08059100286, 09094171980 or get in touch via  Thank you

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