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Dog Included In Late Billionaire Ratan Tata’s Will

Dog Included In Late Billionaire Ratan Tata’s Will

Late Ratan Tata, who was an Indian Billionaire, has included his dog, Tito in his will .

Tata, who died on October 9 at 86, said Tito will receive Rs 10,000.

Tito will according to Tata receive ‘unlimited’ care under the supervision of  his trusted cook, Rajan Shaw, who has long tended to the pet’s needs.

Tata had shown affection for Tito which he adopted nearly six years ago.

The Ratan Tata Endowment Foundation which the late billionaire established in 2022, got a big chunk of his estate which will help to continue his philanthropic vision.

The foundation will inherit Tata’s stakes in various companies, allowing it to further his legacy of social welfare.

Tata’s son and current chairman of RTEF, Chandrasekaran, is expected to guide the foundation’s activities in alignment with the vision of his dad.

Team@orientactualmags.com  learned that family members, including Tata’s brother, Jimmy, and half-sisters, Shireen and Deanna Jejeebhoy, are among the will’s beneficiaries, alongside Tata’s long-time staff, who have been an integral part of his personal life.

The billionaire’s confidant and executive assistant, Shantanu Naidu, was also included in the will .

The will, pending probate at the Bombay High Court, is expected to pass through legal confirmation soon, ensuring that Tata’s wishes are fully honoured.

30 luxury vehicles owned by Tata which are currently at his Colaba home may be auctioned or have them publicly displayed as a tribute to his life and legacy-Team@orientactualmags.com   Do you have any information you wish to share with us? Do you want us to cover your event or programme? Kindly send SMS to 08059100286, 09094171980 or get in touch via orientactualmag@gmail.com.  Thank you.

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