Juma Jux Reproposes To Pricilla In Presence Of Iyabo Ojo, Friends, Others

Juma Jux, a Tanzanian artist, has presented a new ring to his wife ,Priscilla Ojo.
It is a ring that is twice the size of the one he had earlier presented to her.
Priscilla Ojo is the daughter of a popular actress, Iyabo Ojo.

Recall that Juma and Priscilla had exchanged marriage vows in Tanzania on Friday, February 7, 2025.
Recall also that the popular actress had in September 2024 confirmed Priscilla’s engagement to Juma Jux and made photos and videos available while the artist had also visited Nigeria to spend some time with the Ojo family.
Tanzania, a country in East Africa, is officially called the United Republic of Tanzania and it has a population of about 62 million.
This time around, Juma has proposed to Priscilla in the presence of Iyabo Ojo, family members and friends.

‘Baby, I’m proposing to you for the second time, but this time in front of your family and dearest friends, and with a ring twice the size. I love you with everything in me, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you, my love’ Juma, who posted the video taken at the event hall where he reproposed to Priscilla, also submitted-Team@orientactualmags.com Do you have any information you wish to share with us? Do you want us to cover your event or programme? Kindly send SMS to 08059100286, 09094171980 or get in touch via orientactualmag@gmail.com. Thank you.