September 16, 2024

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LG Autonomy: Letter Of Commendation- Mashood Lanrey Osho

LG Autonomy: Letter Of Commendation- Mashood Lanrey Osho

Dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Attorney General of the Federation, Lateef Fagbemi SAN,

I am writing to express my utmost admiration and commendation for your bold and courageous steps in instituting a lawsuit against all the 36 state governors over their unconstitutional interference with local government funds. Your actions have brought hope to the grassroots and demonstrated your commitment to upholding the constitution and the rule of law.

Your efforts have exposed the executive rascality that has plagued our local government system, where governors have mismanaged funds meant for the people. Your leadership has shown that no one is above the law, and that the constitution must be respected.

Mr. President, I must express my concern that the country is facing significant challenges. The hardship Nigerians are experiencing is alarming, and if not addressed, it may lead to widespread discontent and potentially even more massive protests, as seen in 2020 with the EndSARS movement. We cannot afford another wave of protests, which could have devastating consequences. I implore you to take action and implement effective economic policies to alleviate the suffering of the masses.

As someone who has been following your political career since 1992, I believe you are a progressive-minded individual who has fought for democracy and the welfare of Nigerians. Your leadership and determination have been instrumental in shaping Nigeria’s democratic journey. I have been following your interviews and articles in national daily newspapers since 1992, and I must say that I have a comprehensive collection of your thoughts and views in my ‘mini Toki library’ in my two bedroom apartment . None of the interviews you granted from 1992 to date is missing from my collection, and I can confidently say that you have been consistent in your advocacy for democracy and good governance.

I recall your time in exile, where you played a crucial role in the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) during the Abacha military government. You fought alongside other democracy agitators like Senator Shehu Sani, Frank Kokori, Femi Opadokun, Shehu Yar’Adua, and others who were arrested and detained. Your efforts ultimately contributed to the end of the Abacha regime and the restoration of democracy in Nigeria.

However, I must express my disappointment that your government’s policies have resulted in increased hardship for the masses, particularly with the removal of subsidies. I appreciate your efforts to address the issues with local government funds and the Thursday’s Supreme Court judgment ordered direct payment of  allocations to councils and that  there would be no funds for councils without elected officials. Not less than 479 local governments out of the 774 local governments spread across 22 states including Kwara state are run by unelected officials and will henceforth go without allocation from the federation account in view of the apex court  judgment. This is a welcome development, but more needs to be done to ensure transparency and accountability at the local government level. I assure you that civil society organizations across Nigeria will work closely with anti-corruption agencies to monitor the allocation of funds to local governments and promote transparency and accountability.

Mr. President, remember that Nigerians voted out Jonathan administration in 2015 due to issues like insecurity, corruption, and abuse of power. It’s not too late to make amends and implement changes to ensure a better future for Nigerians. If not, you may face challenges when you launch re-election bid I won’t deceive you,  things aren’t easy with Nigerian.

Prince Lateef Fagbemi SAN, Attorney General of the federation, your courageous step in filling case against the  36 state governors at the Supreme Court will be remembered as a significant milestone in the fight against impunity and executive rascality. Your efforts to address the mismanagement of local government funds and the sacking of elected local chairmen are commendable. As a legal luminary and reputable lawyer, your contribution to upholding the rule of law is invaluable, you have done well.

As someone from your local government, Oyun Local Government  in Kwara state, I must express my gratitude for your efforts. Our local government has been marginalized in terms of infrastructure development, and the road leading to my village, Ashipa Owode in Igbona ward  is a death trap due to the non-functioning of the LGA system in Kwara state. Having had the opportunity to travel through all 193 wards during my organization tour across the Kwara state I can attest to the deplorable state of LGAs.

The Joint Account Allocation Committee (JAAC) has been deducting money from our LG funds to augment others, making it challenging for us to cater for our needs. However, with the  Thursday’s Supreme Court judgment, this unjust practice has been abolished. It’s a law that should have been stopped long ago, as it was anti-people and I can say it’s a birth of  a new democracy in Nigeria  since 1999 .

I had initially intended to write to you, Prince Fagbemi SAN, as the Attorney General of the Federation, highlighting a pressing concern that resonates deeply with me. As someone from the same local government as you, Oyun Local Government, to be precise, it was disheartening to see that our state governor, who also serves as the Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, failed to conduct Local Government elections (LGA)  in his five years in office. This was not only an embarrassment to our community but also a stark reminder of the executive rascality that has plagued our nation. However, with this landmark judgment, I am heartened to see that an end has been put to this unacceptable practice.

I urge you to direct anti-corruption agencies in Nigeria to initiate hashtags to track funds allocated to the 774 LGAs. I assure you that civil society organizations (CSOs)in Nigeria will start sensitizing citizens on how to monitor funds accruing to LGAs and petition anti-corruption agencies on any corrupt malpractices. Thank you for your efforts, which are greatly appreciated.

Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering dedication to justice and the people of Nigeria. Comrade Mashood Lanrey Osho is a Human right Activist, Anti-corruption Crusader, public policy analyst and Deputy Coordinator Anti-corruption Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria,ENetSuD

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