September 19, 2024

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Mohbad: Now That Truth Is Gathering Storm, Where Are The Internet Mobsters?—Kunle Rasheed

Mohbad: Now That Truth Is Gathering Storm, Where Are The Internet Mobsters?—Kunle Rasheed

From time out of mind, truth has remained constant like the sun of the heavens that is permanently showing its face even when stratus clouds many times use its immense veil to cover it.

Despite the concerted efforts of those smooth, gray clouds to block and cover the whole sky, the sun still finds a way to smile on us for life to exist.

The aforementioned is exactly the way the truth is; a lie may end up being that famous American sprinter Ben Johnson, who was at a time believed to be the fastest man on earth, but the lie was definitely unmasked that gave credence to the fact that no matter how fast the legs of lies could travel, truth will eventually catch up with it.

Mr. Kunle Rasheed

In spite of my several warnings that we should just exercise patience for the truth to surface over Ilerioluwa’s unfortunate death, the newly found emergency families of the late singer (Mohbad) , who neither bothered to know the face behind his hot tracks nor given a hoot about his life and living when he was alive, nearly lynched me with their words, with some even threatening me to watch my back because I preached that a minute of patience can bring about ten years of peace.

These numbskulls, who decided to dump their brains and thinking faculty inside a padlocked box, even claimed I was paid by Naira Marley and Sam Larry for my decision to use my head so as to break free from the sea of the same and not jump into the bandwagon boat. But they closed their brains and eyes to my position that the culprit may not even be either NM or SL or even both of them. Their belief was that since there was a video evidence that Imole said if he dies, the world should hold NM responsible, therefore, there was no need to look elsewhere. What these new lovers of Imole fail to find out is when were those videos recorded, what actually happened at the show and after the show that led to them taking him to the hospital? What was the ailment he was treated for? Who were the people with him on the day of his death? And many other vital questions. All these do not mean anything to the internet warriors. All they know is that NM ‘killed’ him with his bullying and assaults and he must be dragged down, even below six feet if they can achieve it.


This anomaly was what I thought I could whisper aloud to those who genuinely have sense.

My plea to tread cautiously  was not out of not having compassion for the lost soul, it was just a way to make us think deeper so that we can unravel the mystery surrounding the dimming of that bright light coincidentally known as Imole (light).

Is it not comical and senseless for these emergency EBI ORANs to be saying I have something to do with NM and SL that I have never met physically or spoke with one on one or through  any proxy?

The madness only started just because I advised them to give self-control a little room in their hearts to be able to moderate their reactions to the situations.

But, hey! they’ll rather ask for the death of someone who was never around or near the crime scene (if there was one) more than seventy two hours prior to Imole’s death.

However, these new found Internet one-minute families that are waiting for another trend to be able to hug the klieg lights decided to cut down a tree in winter time. They became mad, not only for the optics but for making money, yes good money from clicks, likes and many other ways on social media.

Now that the  Lagos state police command  through its state commissioner has come out to clear the air that Ilerioluwa was killed through the injection ‘Nurse Muyiwa’ administered on him which I had earlier reasoned; will these Ostrich brain mobs come out to tender unreserved apology to Naira Marley for wanting to ‘kill’ him and his career for a crime he did not commit?

This revelation has made it obvious that Mohbad was also bad. NM was accused of being a bully, what was Mohbad action against his best friend be called? At least, we’ve discovered that he wanted to teach his friend a lesson with his fist that was what led to the injury he sustained that eventually cut his light short in that stage known as life.

Mohbad became a saint to many who do not know him only when he became dead; he said it in his lyrics that he wasn’t upright like his new families want us to believe.

I honestly think it’s about time the government should wake up like its counterparts in China, Germany and Malaysia amongst other nations in curbing fake news and the way they disseminate them. There should be stringent consequences for anyone who deliberately or innocently spread falsehood.

Maybe when this happens and one or two are sent to jail, the menace of these fools behind the agenda of ‘we must pull him down’ will be reduced drastically.

However, there are lessons to be learnt with this episode, one, whenever you have contractual issue with anyone, it is better you seek the law instead of wanting to be the law. This is what NM is suffering for; he decided to teach Ilerioluwa some lessons on the streets when their marriage was severed. But the honest truth still remains that that time was a long time ago and not anything close to the videos these mobsters are sharing on social media.

Sam Larry also may be penalized for bullying but you and I can be guilty of that too because, unlike what was painted, SL wasn’t fighting for NM but for himself over unpaid debt Ilerioluwa was owing before the video shoot that went viral. This also will teach a little lesson to never take laws into our hands and never to issue threats when issues arise.

And the last lesson  will be for the mobs on the internet to thread slowly in dishing judgments to anyone because they have the power of influencing the lazy  Nigerian youths as Prez Buhari called them. They should be slow to join in destroying people just because they have phones, laptops and data.

A word should suffice for the wise- Mr. Kunle Rasheed, a veteran journalist, writes from Lagos state.

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