September 20, 2024

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Why Fauzziyah Isiak  Was Detained-Lagos Police Spokesman

Why Fauzziyah Isiak  Was Detained-Lagos Police Spokesman

Spokesman for the Lagos state Police Command, Benjamin Hundeyin, has given reasons why a police officer, Fauzziyah Isiak, was detained.

It will be recalled that Isiak had on Thursday morning tweeted about her issue claiming that she was detained for   resigning from the Force.

Isiak  added that  she had tendered her resignation letter in 2022 on several occasions but never for once got needed approval  . learned Hundeyin has however reacted to the issue and explained  that Isiak was detained because she absconded from duty for over one month without permission or leave which was against the police regulations.

He also added that Isiak misrepresented facts in her tweets that after someone has submitted a letter of resignation from the force, it has to be processed before one can get a discharge certificate.

‘Till you get the discharge certificate, you remain a serving member of the Force, bound by all extant rules and regulation of service #PoliceNG, absence from duty for twenty-one days without leave or permission automatically results in your being declared a deserter. Every serving member knows this.

Corporal Fauzziyah Isiak, who serves in the office of the Imam of the Command, without leave, permission or discharge from service, absconded from duty for over one month, in flagrant disregard for the conditions of service she willingly signed to.

For this offence against discipline, she was detained yesterday for the commencement of her orderly room trial today.

Secondly, she has maliciously brought the name of the Force into disrepute by distorting misrepresenting facts – a discreditable conduct that amounts to another disciplinary offence.

Secondly, she has maliciously brought the name of the Force into disrepute by distorting/misrepresenting facts – a discreditable conduct that amounts to another disciplinary offence’ he
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